Friday, April 2, 2010

It's Tortoise Weather!

It's finally warmed up around here - in fact it's been warm enough to let Buzz, the Russian Box Tortoise, outside (under adult supervision of course).

I also celebrated the warm weather by hanging my swing up. Things got a little out of hand when I broke out a brewsky (Sam Adams Blackberry Witbier - similar to Leinie's Berrywiess, but not so sweet) and a new flyer from Joann Fabrics.

Our backyard is fenced in, so if I'm out, I usually let the fuzzies out too. Orvis came by the swing to hang out, but refused to look at the camera.

1 comment:

  1. Andrea-
    too funny you have a tortise...I do love your "relaxing" space, a swing, a beer & fabric sales.....gotta love it
